1. I would have taken more time to sketch out more ideas, and done more photography.
2. Have a different layout of symbols that describe me so I could've had more pieces to use for concentration portfolio cause I enjoyed breadth portfolio too much.
3. I wish I had taken more time from other things, and used that time to work on projects.
4. Have more of an understanding that matte fixative is evil.
5. Had more time to explore other mediums.
Goals for next semester....
1. Continuing doing breadth pieces on the side.
2. Invest in a new digital camera.
3. Practice drawing of all types.
4. Find new ways to create, an environment for photography work for my new concentration.
5. Practice more with new mediums.
Pieces that I think are strong....
1. My blasphemy piece is I feel is strong because I feel that it was simplistic yet it said a lot, and I got to explore with splattering watercolors which is something I never have thought of until it popped into my head for that specific project.
2. I feel my collage is strong cause it could be used as a breadth, and a concentration piece. Having a piece so versatile for portfolio makes me feel like I should explore other mediums out there. Mediums I have never heard of, research it, and works of art that use that medium.
3. I think my project I did in colored pencil is very good as well, but needs to be fixed. It shows the duality we all have in us, but represents me more cause they both share my own symbol.
4. My arthurian symbol piece I feel is strong because it's macro, and it saved the whole project because I usually don't do macro style drawings.
5. My photo of two of my friends at the canton waterfall I feel is strong because behind every photo there is a story as with a lot of other art today. I see it as when someone looks at that photo they know I know the story, but they only get a glimpse of what the story is.
6. The sunset picture is also strong because to me I have never seen something that beautiful in a way that touched my heart. That picture represents how I want the to be seen every day, and that beauty can be found anywhere.
7. My pictures of the cemetery I feel are strong because they have a sense of death, but when I took them seeing all the woodland creatures I saw life giving their respects to the dead.
Those are the pieces that I feel are strong to me, in eyes, in my perspective.
I hope you put those pieces in your portfolio slideshow!